Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The one thing that I have that is mine that I need to guard among all else is my Testimony among men. The most important thing that I can keep and hold onto.

I pissed my friends mom off last week and then again yesturday so now i'm trying to redeem that relationship this holiday session by buying her flowers and chocolates to try to win her over and not think that I'm a complete peice of crap.

In other news I got a text message the other day when I was sleeping that said I had to email in my outline for a sermon for december 30th that I haven't started working on by thursday. Which in my opinion is the best time to work on a sermon while right in the middle of final exams and applying to seminary. My last exams are tomorrow and I will be studying late tonight and then throwing a message outline together about how much the Apostle Paul pwned.

But I'll get it done so yea things will be good.

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