Sunday, December 28, 2008


On a vacation at my house. My parents are out of town with my brother for the week so I'm taking off to just be able to wake up and do nothing but read my bible and do nothing. I don't remember the last time I was able to do that.

I'm excited about this week of nothingness

Monday, December 22, 2008

"The Parallel Sayings of Jesus and Buddha." So I cussed when I saw this today at the bookstore. Then I had to explain why I yelled out "Whore!" in Borders book store. John D. Crossan and Marcus J. Borg piss me off so much

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

People like me kill prophets and crucify messiahs.

Actually, people like you do too. That it's by Gods grace that we have been saved by that.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

So how about, OSI, the company I work for no longer allows us to add gratuity on parties of 8 or more... really sucks guys... Tonight I only got robbed once. It kills me... just kills me.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I feel like the indie rock artist who doesn’t want to sell out. Regardless of what it pays. Not that Major labels are evil... but they aren't for everyone.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

So I'm courting Erika Alvarez, daughter of Lorena and Rolando Alvarez. This started like two weeks ago. :)

Also last night she called this little 7th grade girl who visited Cfstudents West Kendall this weekend and lead that little girl to Christ.

Is that not awesome?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

How many babies will be born the day I die?

Why will you be burdened and why will you cry?

When we base our lives on truth and not a lies,

There is no tragedy for us the day that we die.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

"I know some spiritual people who aren't religious, and I know some religious people who aren't spiritual."

-Matt Chandler.

Which makes me think and really reflect on the last year of my walk with Christ.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

sometimes i feel like i'm getting my teeth kicked in.

This is one of those times...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bro, i'm freaking so wicked, but my God is beautiful.

Monday, October 6, 2008

The greatest form of grace I've been shown by God, other than being saved, has been my inability to connect with and social with nominal Christians who are not seeking Christ, who are spending there energies on things other than seeking Holiness, who are comfortable in their communities where there is spirit and no movement in any direction.

Yes this is the mouth I preach the gospel with, in it I try to keep it clean of any fault.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

So today my dad became a calvinist... that's pretty much all i've done today...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

What is this costing me emotionally? spiritually? relationally?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

So I'm reading about courtship, because no one in my generation knows what that is... and I found this one website that was talking about how to court a girl and it was giving me really practical stuff. I didn't know what religious affiliation the website has so i clicked the "Home" button and there is a picture of someone who looks like the Pope, and the website is called "CATHOLIC FAITH ALIVE"

I couldn't help but laugh.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I've come to the realization that it would take the audible voice of God to get me to leave Christ Fellowship Kendall, that or Prophetic Dreams. Either/or.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

They wouldn't know true love if it nailed itself to a cross.

Monday, August 25, 2008

I will not survive the next couple months unless I am disciplined in studying scripture, and being connected to God. My shelf-life is very short, and I will burn out of ministry, school, and work unless God is my focus in all that I do.

I have school two nights a week.
I have small group two nights a week
and I'll be working three nights a week.
In addition to that I have an internship during week which takes up a couple days during the week, and I'm pursuing getting a second job at a restaurant during lunch shifts. Outside of being Connected with God I will fail.

My Goal is to pay off my trip to Israel, and start saving for when I get married/move out on my own.

- Jeff

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Reach Beyond on Friday was awesome and it taught me something. I for the very first time was shown how utterly inadequate I am to accomplish the purposes of God. Like I had known it for the longest time, but it was all up in my face on Friday. God brought everything together, and there is no way that the Reach Beyond could have turned out the way that it did if it wasn't for God Grace.

I just got off work and a bunch of the people who I work with were going to a party with strippers. It breaks my heart when I see such smart people believing the cultural lies of today. I pray the beer they drink will not satisfy them. I pray that if any of them have sex tonight that it won't satisfy them. I want them to be discontent with everything that they worship.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Man, again I realize the power I possess to just totally destroy another human being emotionally. Like a couple of months ago I made someone who is a very godly individual cry because of a joke I made that apparently wasn't very funny at all. Like I had no intention of hurting that individual at all, but apparently I came off as a total jerk to everyone involved in the situation, which was really eating me alive for awhile but I've come to grips with whats happened in the situation, repented, and I pray that the other parties involved will have the maturity to forgive me(I did attempt to biblically reconcile myself to that individual but I'm not sure if that was received very well by them).

But I found out today that I really hurt this other person in November who liked me, because I'm reckless and stupid and a fool and a total Noob. And like I think this girl is freaking an awesome person and love her to death as a sister in Christ, but dang I hurt this person and she was bummed for like a week.

So I'm just awed at the power my words/actions have on other people. It's pretty freaking scary to say the least. So I'm trying to watch what I say and use tact always in my actions as well as my words.

Well this post is the result of not wanting to exegete 2 Corinthians 1:12-24... now back to doing homework.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Some one at Church today asked me if I was burning out as an intern. Like not to be arrogant or hurtful but like to honestly know how I was handling all the things in my life. I don't remember who exactly it was because I've been very busy these past couple of days and talked to many people, so people and conversations get all jumbled in my mind at times.

But I'm not burning out, like I've burned out before as a intern and now I'm doing way more then I was doing the first time.... but I don't feel like I'm burning out at all. Integrity is something that God has placed one my heart these past couple months. Letting my words simply be Yes or No, and following through with the commitments I've made. God's really strengthened me in these times. The church plant is very demanding and we wouldn't get anything accomplished if it wasn't for the power of God. So I believe that God's orchestrated the past couple of months in my life to mold me into the person I need to be to last.

Praise God cause I'm a freaking weak person, and he keeps me from disqualifying myself from Ministry.

- Jeff

Monday, July 14, 2008

So i went into a Voodoo store in New Orleans yesterday, and they had a bunch of catholic stuff next to all of the Voodoo, Magic, and Wiccan stuff. Like Candles and statues of the saints, right next to Buddha, and the false idols of the different pagan religions.

I think thats funny.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tom Gabel from Against Me!

"Bombing skies will sing silent and the anger turn to laughter. On the crucifix Christ will turn his head and admit his own sin he was a martyr for."

" Can anybody tell me why God won't speak to me? Why Jesus never called on me to part the f***ing seas? Why death is easier than living? You can be almost anything. When you're on your f***ing knees."

"It's got me on my knees in a bathroom, Praying to a God that I don't even believe in, "Well, dear Jesus, are you listening? If this is the one chance that really matters, Well, don't let me f*** this up. If you'd told me about all this when I was fifteen, I never would have believed it."

So I met the Singer from this band again and it was a big deal for me. I used to be a Huge Against Me! fan and coming to Christ it was hard to phase their music out(not that secular music is a sin) when I came to Christ. These lyrics deeply disturb me so I wanted to ask him a few Questions about Religion and Spirituality, and his background. He comes from a Catholic background and quote "had a bad experience in the church." I would have apologized for the sins of the church but I don't believe that the Catholic Church is still included into "the Church" which is the body of Christ. Like if he had a bad experience in a pentecostal or baptist church i would have been like "man sorry we dropped the ball on that."

"I had a bad church experience"

Monday, June 30, 2008

What do you get when the advice someone gives you is contrary to your missional philosophy?

A freaking blog-update.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Things I want to learn how to systematically destroy in a conversation this summer:

-Prosperity Theology.
-Losing Salvation.
-"Redeemed Christians" living like hell thinking because they prayed once they can do whatever.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Oh bother... I am bothered by something...

Monday, April 7, 2008

Yea Oprah Is going to Hell.

Pray for her repentance.
In your anger do not sin
In your anger do not sin.
In your anger do not sin.
In your anger do not sin.
In your anger do not sin.
In your anger do not sin.

Give Me Wisdom....

Thursday, April 3, 2008

So the ESV translation is very confusing... very much so... I almost want to be like one of the Noobs out there right now and pull out my NIV translation.

...but no, in my sermon preparation I will use the literal translation, the ESV, and mediate until in until i understand...

...but it's alitte furstratiing... that;s all.

Monday, March 31, 2008

So i feel the frustration of being a Shepard of Gods flock right now...

...christians shouldnt date non-christians for so many different reasons... I would know.

I've been there and I've done it and I regret it more than anything else. So yea the guy who learned the hard way is now expecting people who are in the same position he was in a year ago make the right decision that he did not make in that position...

... thats life for me.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Yea so all the pastors that I listen to and respect constantly complain and make fun of Calvinists who live at home with their mom and who own blogs....

... and yesturday as i was pulling into the drive way of my moms house i realized that I am a Calvinist who lives with my mom and owns a blog....

dang it.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

So my professor holds a Pre-Wrath, Mid-tribulation stance on the Rapture, which is very interesting. Furthermore I was thinking about what I will do when Christians begin to be persecuted in the United States. I'm thinking about whether or not i want to get a tattoo or to get a piercing because with a tattoo i will most likely be killed or arrested.

just pondering over these things...

Saturday, February 16, 2008

So having a theological conversation with my manager or several cigarettes for an hour and a half is pretty much the one of the most insightful things ever. It's funny how on one hand I have the manager who is a really die-hard atheist and is all up in my face crossing every employer/employee line there is about discrimination and harassment. And then on the other hand have a manager who knows more about God and the bible than the average person I talk to at Church. These conversations are freaking so insightful and thought provoking I took notes this time so that I would be able to guide my studies for tonight. Like I was preached at for an hour and a half by a man smoking a cigarette. Is that not awesome? Come on that's really awesome.
I am convinced that mankind is totally depraved, and that without Gods interceding grace we are completely lost and cut off from him and one another.

- Jeff

In addition, i could never have another girl friend who does not love Jesus, I've tried it and if anything I become her God as our relationship strengthens, and not God, which isn't cool by any means.